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File Submission Layout

This file layout has been created for employers who have the ability to export new hire data from their existing payroll or human resources software. If you have any questions, or need further assistance with reporting electronically after reviewing the File Transfer page, please Contact Indiana New Hire Reporting Center.

Regardless of transmission method or media type, the following file submission layout must be used.

IN Employer File Submission Layout - Create file using FIXED-WIDTH ASCII TEXT FORMAT.

Field Type Length Start Position End Position Status Comments
Record Identifier Char 17 1 17 Required The following text: "IN Newhire Record". Case does not matter.
Format Version Number Char 4 18 21 Required The following text: "2.00".

Employee Information

Field Type Length Start Position End Position Status Comments
Employee First Name Char 16 22 37 Required At least one character, no special characters.
Employee Middle Name Char 16 38 53 Optional Blank Fill, If non-blank must be at least one character, no special characters.
Employee Last Name Char 30 54 83 Required At least one character, no special characters except hyphen.
Employee SSN# Numeric 9 84 92 Required As reported by employee.
Employee Address Line 1 Char 40 93 132 Required At least two characters, left justify.
Employee Address Line 2 Char 40 133 172 Optional Blank Fill, Employer address line 2.
Employee Address Line 3 Char 40 173 212 Optional Blank Fill, Employer address line 3.
Employee City Char 25 213 237 Required At least two characters, no special characters except hyphen.
Employee State Char 2 238 239 Required Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for foreign address.
Employee Postal Code Char 20 240 259 Required If a non-foreign address then only U.S. 5 digit zip code, left justified. If foreign address then left justify.
Employee Zip+4 Numeric 4 260 263 Optional US state and territories only. Blank fill if unknown or international address
Employee Country Code Char 2 264 265 Optional For foreign addresses only. Refer to U.S. Department of Commerce FIPS code manual, National Institute of Standards and Technology, FIPS PUB 10-4 (April 1995).
Employee Date of Birth Numeric 8 266 273 Optional If present, numeric. Format - MMDDYYYY.
Employee Date of Hire Numeric 8 274 281 Required Numeric. Format - MMDDYYYY.
Employee State of Hire Char 2 282 283 Optional Blank Fill, Valid state or territory abbreviation.
Is Medical Insurance Available to Employee? Char 1 284 284 Required If employee is or will be eligible for benefits, Enter Y for yes or N for no.
Filler Char 1 285 285 Required Blank Fill, Reserved for future use.

Employer Information

Field Type Length Start Position End Position Status Comments
Employer FEIN Numeric 9 286 294 Required Federal Employer Identification Number (no hyphens). Use the same FEIN for which listed employee(s) quarterly wages will be reported under. If you have questions, please contact our center.
Filler Char 12 295 306 Optional Blank Fill, Reserved for future use.
Employer Name Char 45 307 351 Required At least two characters, left justify.
Employer Address Line 1 Char 40 352 391 Required At least two characters, left justify.
Employer Address Line 2 Char 40 392 431 Optional Blank Fill, Employer address line 2.
Employer Address Line 3 Char 40 432 471 Optional Blank Fill, Employer address line 3.
Employer City Char 25 472 496 Required At least two characters, left justify.
Employer State Char 2 497 498 Required Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for foreign address.
Employer Postal Code Char 20 499 518 Required If a non-foreign address then only U.S. 5 digit zip code, left justified. If foreign address then left justify.
Employer Zip+4 Char 4 519 522 Optional Blank Fill, US state and territories use only.
Employer Country Code Char 2 523 524 Optional Blank Fill, For foreign addresses only.
Employer Phone Number Numeric 10 525 534 Optional Blank Fill, Employer contact ten-digit phone number including area code (no hyphens or parentheses).
Employer Phone Extension Numeric 6 535 540 Optional Blank Fill, Employer contact extension (numeric only).
Employer Contact Char 20 541 560 Optional Blank Fill, Name of contact for employer.
Starting Pay Rate Char 1 561 561 Required H (hourly), A (annually), O (other)
Starting Pay/Salary Numeric 10 562 571 Required No decimal, last two digits for cents. Right-justify with leading zeroes.
Job Title Char 60 572 631 Required Name or specific role within the organization.
Standard Occupational Classification code Numeric 6 632 637 Required Enter the first six digits of the SOC Code, no dashes. Locate SOC Codes by job title online using
Filler Char 133 638 770 Optional Blank Fill, reserved for future use.
Employer Multistate Indicator Char 1 771 771 Optional "Y" for Yes, reporting as a multi-state employer to IN or "N" for No
Filler Char 30 772 801 Optional Blank Fill, reserved for future use.
Indiana New Hire Reporting Center
PO Box 3429
Trenton, NJ 08619
Phone (866) 879-0198
Fax (800) 408-1388
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